Friona FFA
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General Information
Project Exhibition: 

Part of the AgEd/FFA experience is showing off your project or SAE. This may be an animal or shop project. Projects can be exhibited at the Friona FFA Project Show, the Parmer County Stock Show, and any of the major stock shows across Texas.


Any market animal being exhibited at a major stock show must have a state validation tag. These tags are ordered through the Ag department. Validation of the animal will take place in a species specific month (e.g. June for steers). Check the calendar for dates.

Stock Show Entries:

The Ag teacher will set a date for making entries for chapter, county, and major stock shows. Check the calendar for these dates.

Show Dates:

We will be attending and hauling if necessary animals and students to all stock shows. Please let us know what shows you want to attend and if we will need to haul your animal.


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